July 3, 1866

The "Saba" referred to by Edward towards the end of his letter is almost certainly a reference to his niece Sabra Tewksbury, a daughter of his sister Emma.

Bloomington Illinois
July 3rd 1866

Dear Mother

Since reaching this point I have commenced several letters to you and would lay them aside thinking to finish it the next day, but would then neglect doing so, and so it has run until now I determined to finish this and send to you.

I like Bloomington very well, although I think Aurora a much neater town and think there is more business done than at this place, but then Aurora has the advantage of this place by having the benefit of a river.

I do not think Will done as he should have by me for he came down here "before we" I say we because there was a young fellow working for him in Pontiac by the name Crocker and he represented him as being a first class workman to a Mr. Roberts and Roberts said he would give us work, so Crocker came down here first and Roberts did not like his work and kept him only a day, so when I applied to him for work I could not get it. And since then I have learned the reason he would not employ me, was that as Will had given him a wrong statement of one he did not want either of us. So I was here some time before I got work as this place was full of painters at the time "and is now" I am now with the firm by the name of Swisher and Reiling and am the only hand they have at present they have had as high as eight or ten but have discharged them all but me, and some of them had been with them much longer than I had, so why they kept me and discharged them I do not know. They have plenty of work on hand but it has been in such a shape that we have not done anything for the past several days, but I expect to go to work again on the 5th as by that time one of the houses will be in readiness. In three or four weeks they intend sending me in the Country to work which will be quite an item to me as it will save my board bill which is six dollars per week and after paying that it gives me a very small margin left.

I think this fall I will try to get into a Drug Store again as painting is most to hard work for me, although I should like to learn the trade so as to have something to fall back on.

Tell Will I saw the Rev. Mr. Christe from Pontiac the other day and he inquired after him. I was the librarian of his S. School whilst in that place. Ed Johnson was down to see me the other day and said he had received a letter from him.

Give my love to all, and kiss Saba and the children for me

From Your Son

P.S. Direct to St. Nicholas Hotel I wish I could find as good a place to board as we had in Pontiac. July 66

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